They may be the most infuriating, callous acts an individual ever has to endure: a hit and run accident. Suddenly you’re left to make sense out of a terrible situation, without any help from the person who caused the harm. If you or a loved one have been seriously injured or even killed in an accident like a hit and run, the question becomes how to get compensation when the at-fault party is unknown.

Hit and run accidents present a number of difficulties. It’s expected that victims will have done their best to find out the identity of the at-fault driver, including whether they can provide a description of the vehicle, such as colour or model. The insurance company will ask a lot of the victim because they want to minimize the payout required. There are many steps which need to be taken to access the unidentified motorist provisions of your automobile policy. Failing to take these steps, may jeopardize your right to bring the claim.

To make it difficult for claimants, the insurer will often complicate the legal process and bog things down in a mound of paperwork and procedure. They will exploit any loopholes including a failure to meet a deadline or an inconsistency among eyewitness reports in order to cut down on payouts.

As a victim, having endured a traumatic event, you can’t be expected to navigate the complicated legal processes alone; your ability to earn an income and support your family may have been compromised; you may never again be able to enjoy your favourite activity and you may have to deal with a lifetime of lingering discomfort requiring rehabilitation and costly care, among other serious effects.

We’ve dealt successfully with numerous complex cases like a hit and run causing death or serious injury and will ensure you have all the necessary paperwork, can meet deadlines affecting your claim and that you receive the most possible support in every current and eventual area. We will also help you understand changes to the insurance provisions and benefits legislation and explain how those changes might affect your case.