Have you or your loved one suffered from an injury resulting in amputation or disfigurement? Loss of a partial or full limb is an upsetting experience that can bring devastation and life-changing consequences. The subsequent intensive therapy and medical treatment costs can be costly and bring unexpected financial distress. Moreover, the emotional and psychological adjustments are stressful and are hard for a victim to express. Losing a limb that affects your mobility can also bring difficulties beyond your ability to work.
Canada’s Justice System is designed to give compensation for such victims if the injury results from third-party negligence. The negligence can occur as a result of a motor vehicle collision, sports activity, workplace accident, playground accident or as a result of medical malpractice. In Ontario, amputation is considered a catastrophic injury and may entitle you to benefits under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS) if the injury is as a result of a motor vehicle accident.
In the case of other accidents, owners are responsible to facilitate a safe environment in the facility or business. Safe environments are ensured with proper safety precautions such as safeguards, procedures, supervision and training.
Our qualified and experienced legal team will look at the details of your case to further understand your needs in order for you to receive financial and medical support needed for a full recovery. Some of the recoverable costs include:
- Surgeries
- Medical expenses, including prosthetic costs
- Occupational therapy expenses
- Recovery and rehabilitation expenses
- Cost of adapting home and vehicles
- Psychological and vocational counselling
- Lost wages
- Current and future loss of opportunity
If you or your loved one has had an amputation or disfigurement, please call Horowitz Injury Law at 416-925-4100 for a free consultation or visit our website at www.horowitzinjurylaw.com.